Our Trustees
The Korongata Marae Board of Trustees
The Trustees were elected at the Korongata Marae Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 19 August 2023
Korongata 2B1 Tui Kingi
Korongata 2B2 Duyane Davies (Deputy Chairperson)
Korongata 2B3 Vanessa Sadler
Korongata 2B4 Alieta Uelese
Korongata 1A Alayna Watene
Korongata 1B Rose Reid
Korongata 1C Logan Johnston
Korongata 2A Kathleen O'Shaughnessy
Te Awa o Te Atua 7B2C Templey Armitage
Te Awa o Te Atua No. 7A Traci Tuimaseve (Chairperson)

The Korongata Marae Trustees - Picture taken on 19 August 2023 at the Marae AGM/Triennial Election of Trustees 19 August 2023. Pictured from left to right: Alieta Uelese, Logan Johnston, Templey Armitage, Duayne Davies, Tui Kingi, Traci Tuimaseve, Rose Reid, Kathleen O'Shaughnessy, Alayna Watene and Vanessa Sadler.
Marae Operations
Kaimahi assist to ensure the marae is taken care of. Bookings are done through the secretary using our online portal via this website. The Treasurer is Michelle Ferris, The Secretary and Online Booking Officer and Communications person is Ruth Wong.
Marae Trustees
Effective Governance is vital for the well-being, development and sustainability of our Marae. Our Charter for Korongata Marae outlines and describes the roles and responsibilities of a Trustee. The Trustees are legally sworn in at a Māori Land Court Hearing. Click here to view the KM MLC Submission.
In accordance with the Charter, Trustees are elected and appointed and form the Board of Trustees. As per the Charter, Marae Trustees have great responsibilities that include but are not limited to:
- Safeguard our taonga and ensure that tikanga is observed at all times.
- Being responsible for the efficient an effective running of the Marae.
- Attend meetings called by the Chairperson or ensure to tender their apologies to the Secretary prior to the meeting
- Authorise activities on the Marae in accordance with Regulations of the Maori Reservations Regulations 1994.
- Oversee the application of funding for the betterment of the Marae.
- Oversee special projects
- Receive Korongata Marae representation reports and communicate with the whānau.
Read the Charter to find out more about the Korongata Marae Trustees appointment process.
Each of the Trustees are linked to one or more of the 5 pou within the Korongata Marae Strategic Plan and all reporting is through these portfolio holders at their Trustee hui.