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Ngāti Pōporo Hui a Hapū 16 Nov 2024.jpg

Hui-a-Hapū discussion points:


Hastings Golf Course Memorandum of Understanding

Key points:

  • This proposed memorandum of understanding [MOU] would be with Golf Course Development LP [CDCLP] -NZBN: 9429051036492, the developer for this project.

  • The project - The role of CDCLP is to lead the proposal to revitalise the Hastings Golf Club into a premier golf course incorporating upgraded facilities, visitor accommodation, and residential development.

  • Key stakeholders - Hastings Golf Club Incorporated and soon to be formed residents’ society will make up the Management Entities. It is intended that an MOU will be developed between these Management Entities and Ngāti Pōporo in order to fulfil the obligations within this MOU with CDCLP.

  • The purpose of this MOU is to establish a long-term working relationship between all parties, that:

    • Acknowledges and respects the values and guiding principles of Ngāti Pōporo and the interest of Ngāti Pōporo in the project and its ongoing operations.

    • Works collaboratively on those aspects of the project that are of particular importance to Ngāti Pōporo, its planning, consenting, construction, and ongoing operation.

  • Summary of Ngāti Pōporo contribution to the project design and construction:

    • Recommendations to name intended roads and other site features;

    • Facilitate karakia;

    • Cultural monitoring during construction activities;

    • Input into architectural design of site entrance and clubhouse building; and

    • Input into other aspect of project development i.e. archaeological report recommendations, water use efficiency measures, traffic movements, safety concerns etc.

  • Summary of CDCLP contribution to Ngāti Pōporo:

    • Provide opportunities to be directly involved in any associated ecological restoration initiatives;

    • Assistance to continue research to strengthen Ngāti Pōporo hītori;

    • Endeavour to meet at least quarterly and communicate regularly through to the end of the project; and

    • Meet agreed reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Ngāti Pōporo relating to the development of this MOU and its implementation for the duration of this project. Endeavour to procure that the Management Entities will do the same relating to the ongoing implementation of this MOU.

  • A full copy of this draft MOU is available on request to


Korongata Urupā

Key points:

  • The Korongata Urupā has not had a fully functioning governance for some years. Many of the current trustees have passed away.

  • At recent Korongata Marae AGM hui, whānau have asked what is happening about this. A recommendation from the whānau at those hui  was for the urupā governance to be transferred to the current Korongata Marae trustees.

  • A process was started but, as the decision impacts the wider hapū o Ngāti Pōporo, we have agreed to bring this kaupapa and decision to this hui-a-hapū forum.

  • The decisions on the table are:

    1. For the governance of the Korongata Urupā to be transferred to the current trustees of Korongata Marae; or

    2. The Urupā should continue to be governed by a hapū-wide representation of trustees.

  • If the majority vote is for [a] then paperwork will be filed and submitted to transfer governance to the current Korongata Marae trustees.

  • If the majority vote is for [b] then a recommendation would be to form a sub-committee to review the terms of reference and election process for the urupā and report back at a hui-a-hapū early in the new year [2025].


Triangle Whenua

Key points:

  • The triangle whenua on the corner of Ngatarawa Road and Maraekakaho Road is currently owned in a three-way stakeholder relationship between the HB Regional Council [HBRC], Hastings District Council [HDC] and the Crown. It has not been managed well by either stakeholder although, HDC seem to have the most up-to-date records.

  • In 2004, it was court ordered that this whenua “be set apart as a Māori Reservation for an Urupā for the common use and benefit of the Ngāti Pōporo Hapū.”

  • As with the Korongata Urupā this whenua has not had a fully functioning governance for some years. Again, many of the current trustees have passed away. Again, whānau at marae AGMs have asked what was happening with the whenua, resulting in current trustees investigating further.

  • HDC would be happy to return the land to Ngāti Pōporo on the condition that the land is used solely for the purpose of creating an urupā. No further discussion has been had regarding alternatives should the hapū not agree to this condition.

  • Decision would be to either:

    1. Agree to the conditional handover of land and explore an urupā in that space; or

    2. Remain as status quo with the whenua in it’s current ownership status and state.

  • If the majority vote is [1] then paperwork and application will be made to transfer the land, with subsequent follow up actions being linked to Korongata Urupā actions.

  • If the majority vote is for [2] then, it is recommended that a subcommittee be formed to review the ongoing MOU relationship with the three-way stakeholders, including possible stakeholder resourcing to beautify and maintain the whenua, and criteria for governance and a trustee election process. For this sub-committee to present back to a hui-a-hapū early in the new year [2025]

  • Please note that this land is still under limited use restrictions due to being under the flight path of the aerodrome. This will impact our final vote.

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