Trustee Profiles
Get to know our Trustees
These Trustees were elected on the 19 August 2023.

The Korongata Marae Trustees - Picture taken on 19 August 2023 at the Marae AGM/Triennial Election of Trustees - Pictured from left to right: Alieta Uelese, Logan Johnston, Templey Armitage, Duayne Davies, Tui Kingi, Traci Tuimaseve, Rose Reid, Kathleen O'Shaughnessy, Alayna Watene and Vanessa Sadler.
Represents Korongata 2B1

Tui Kingi is a Hapi by birth. Born and raised in Bridge Pa right next to the marae, Tui has many memories growing up in the hive of activity that took place at Korongata Marae. Tui studied to become a chef and works for a catering company that serves the wider community of Hawke's Bay. Her caring nature bespeaks the quiet yet stuck in and do it attitude. Tui is a lover of martial arts and she loves gardening, natural herbs and spices and is very interested in growing her own fresh greens. She has a caring and loving nature, and sees and need and meets it. She has been put forward by her whānau as a first time Trustee, and is up for the challenge ahead.
Represents Korongata 2B2
“The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants.” - Gichin Funakoshi (1981).
Ko Duayne Davies taku ingoa
Ko Julia Davies tōku mama
Ko Takapouerangi Hapi rāua ko Mihikore Ngahere Te Pohe ōku mātua
I am a passionate father of six children and husband to my wife Penita nee Saoloto of Samoan heritage, from the village of Āvao in Savai’i.
I am a dedicated martial artist and a practitioner in the art of Kyokushin Karate (the art of ultimate truth or reality of an empty-handed warrior) and my careers spans 35 years as a Branch Chief and the NZ Country Representative, holding the rank of Rokudan (6th-degree black belt) and directly affiliated to IKO-MATSUSHIMA International Karate Organisation Kyokushinkaikan, Japan.
I opened my first dōjō in 1997; then in 2002, my wife Penita and I established our family business Davies Karate Ltd (DK-Kyokushin) and IKO-Matsushima Aotearoa. Throughout our business career, we have been blessed to travel the world with our children, allowing the opportunity to connect with many indigenous people and their cultures.
My professional attributes include motivational speaker, high-performance coach, strategic and tactical analysis, life coach/mentor, and star-maker, creating countless rangatahi Māori and young kiwi’s regional and national champions. My feature achievement was being the first and only New Zealander to create three World Kyokushin Karate Knockdown Champions.
My wife and I are actively involved in serving our diverse communities during covid by delivering food and care parcels. We are also members of the USO Bike Ride organisation supporting cancer and mental health awareness for Pasifika people. I have completed ultra-marathon events like Triple Peaks in Havelock North (50km), Tarawera in Rotorua (65km), and the length of Taupo (67km).
Also, my wife and I are completing our final year of our master’s degree in applied indigenous knowledge, He Waka Hiringa at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
I am looking forward to positively contributing to the endeavours of our Korongatā Marae Whanaunga. I appreciate that we will face challenges ahead, but unitedly, with the understanding of our people, and our generations to come, we will all proudly lift the status of our Ngāti Pōporotanga for everyone to enjoy.

Represents Korongata 2B3

Vanessa is the Principal of Bridge Pa School and has lived in Bridge Pa for most of her life. She and husband Dustine Sadler have 8 children most of whom are adults and are married with families of their own. Vanessa comes through the Jim Puriri line and represents a large family. Vanessa's passion is to bring the rangatahi to the marae to learn and understand our whakapapa and draw in the matauranga or knowledge of the Pa into the marae Trustees committee. The school, situated roughly 300 metres down the road is a huge part of the community and serves as a centre for everyone in Bridge Pa. Vanessa is a sportsperson and has supported her own children in their field of sports. Both she and Dustine are coaches of teams and are heavily involved in the community.
Represents Korongata 2B4

Our lineage connection to Korongata is through our mother, Huia Tuimaseve (nee Tunua) - our father Asovale, is Samoan. My connection now as a 53yr-old Maori/Pacific mother of three is to strengthen that connection for myself so that my kids and future generations can feel connected to this place also.
I was born in Hastings. My siblings are Traci (54), Ruth (50) and Logan (42). We grew up at Royshill, went to Bridge Pa school and attended church at Bridge Pa surrounded by cousins, aunties, uncles and nannies. Although we were young then, I still feel a connection to those memories.
I married a wonderful husband, Api, and have three confident, talented children aged 19, 22 & 26yrs. Api died of cancer in 2012 but my children continue to inspire and support me. Family and being active in the gospel are definite priorities in our lives.
My work background is in Admin/Finance at Māori Affairs/Te Puni Kōkiri, Tourism in Auckland and in Education now as Company Director for 20 years of a Tertiary private training provider based in Hastings, Napier and Waipukurau.
I have experience being on various boards over the years and am currently on EIT’s Pacific Advisory Group and local and national advisory panels for Ministry of Education and Tertiary Education, also Hastings Choral Society.
Represents Korongata 1A

Born and raised in Korongata, by my koro Te Kaurauna (Mack) Whakamoe and my nan Meriana Maurea Morgan. I am a 4th generation member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
With my ex-Glen Watene we built our whānau home on ancestral land and developed a 4.5ha orchard. We raised three wonderful children and are grandparents to 9 mokopuna.
In my career I have had many notable achievements, not only in the Māori development sector but also in the commercial sector where I am well known and respected. As CEO for Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga (1993-2013) I was recognized nationally when I was named the Māori Women’s Welfare League Business Woman of the Year in 2007, for Overall Excellence in Business & Best Employment Creation. Regionally I was recognised at the Westpac HB Business Awards in 2008, when I was awarded the HB Chamber of Commerce – Business Person of the Year.
Other executive management positions I have had:
Rongowhakaata Iwi (Settlement) Trust (CEO)
Poutini Waiora, West Coast (CEO)
Mana Enterprise Manager (Te Runanganui o Ngati Kahungunu)
Also I have had many governance roles including:
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga Trustee 1990 – 2000 & 2016 – 2018
He Toa Takitini Trust (Pre settlement Heretaunga Tamatea)
Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust
Hastings District Council Maori Standing Committee (Chair)
Aotearoa Network of Indigenous Health, Research & Development Trust
Tu Meke First Choice Primary Health Organisation (Chair)
Healthcare Aotearoa Inc (Chair)
HB District Health Board (HBDHB)
HBDHB Disability Support Advisory Committee (Chair)
Ma whero ma pango ka oti ai te mahi
Co-operation where everyone does their part, the work will be complete.
Represents Korongata 1B
Rose Reid is a Puriri by birth. Her parents Adam and Islet Puriri had a lot to do with historical events that have taken place at Bridge Pa over the years. Rose represents her siblings and many cousins on the Trust Board. She brings with her a wealth of whakapapa knowledge, a friendly and happy countenance and knowledge of tikanga, waiata, Te Ao Maori kaupapa. It was entrenched in her as a child and their family were well known as a family who manaaki te tangata, who show care and aroha to all they come in contact with. Rose has an interest in the tikanga, whakapapa of Ngāti Poporo. This is the first time that Rose has stood as a Trustee for Korongata Marae and has a lot of offer the Trust Board.

Represents Korongata 1C

Age: 53. Born: Hastings, New Zealand
Married to Sheree nee Mataira, with four sons, Logan jnr, Tainui, James, Te Ariki.
Whakapapa to Korongata through my mother Alice Joyce nee Maere, Grandfather Whareki Horomona Maere, and Grandmother Wairukuruku Tata Maere.
Diverse work experience including Load Controller/Load Controller for Qantas Airways, various social service roles including Housing Tenancy Manager for Housing NZ and Community Probation Officer with Corrections.
Currently self-employed. Managing Director of View Security – Security Services. Director PH & LJ Ltd offering labour services. Director – Tecnesian (Startup IT company), Director – Traafic (Startup IT company).
Represents Korongata 2A
Kathleen O'Shaughnessy is one of the daughters of Sabrina and Lester White. She hails from the Parahi whānau through her mother Sabrina. Kathleen lives in Bridge Pa and has a passion for the community through whakapapa, history, connections and knowledge that was passed down from her grandparents to her mum and to her. She is a great advocate for wellbeing and health, and has a strong interest in rangatahi becoming our future leaders. She brings her own children along to learn how they can contribute to the marae. She is a very supportive mother of two sporty children and takes them everywhere they need to go. Kathleen likes to knuckle in when there is a task to achieve. She observes and contributes carefully to conversations and ensures fairness is valued.

Represents Te Awa o Te Atua 7B2C
Kia Ora koutou whanau
Ko Kahuranaki te maunga
Ko Ngaruroro te awa
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Korongata te marae
Ko Ngati Poporo te hapu
Ko Ngati Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Templey Armitage toku ingoa
I am the daughter of Te Peeti Rewiri Onekawa and Mihi Kite-iwi Whakaware Brown. I was born in Hastings and grew-up in Bridge Pa. I have always maintained an interest and connection to the area.
I’m married to Peter Armitage and together we are the proud parents of 5 sons and 2 daughters.
I attended Hastings Girls High School and Eastern Institute of Technology. I have over 30 years’ experience working in the health sector in various roles in Hastings,
Napier and Auckland.
I am thankful and excited to be elected as a trustee and am looking forward to
working with and for you all.

Represents Te Awa o Te Atua 7A
I te taha o tōku Pāpa
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko te Moananui a kiwa te moana
Ko Ngāti Hāmoa te iwi
Ko Salamumu te hapū
I te taha o tōku Māma
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Kahuranaki te maunga
Ko Ngaruroro te awa
Ko Korongata, Omahu ngā marae
Ko Ngāti Pōporo, Ngāti Hinemanu, Te Upokoiri ngā hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Asovale Tuimaseve raua ko Huia Tunua oku mātua
Ko Traci Tuimaseve ahau
My siblings are Alieta Uelese, Ruth Wong, and Logan Tuimaseve. When my grandparents passed away, my parents were able to whangai my older cousins Steven and Rewa Tipu.
I was born in Auckland, spent my earlier years in Royshill and Samoa, my teen years in Raureka and most of my adult life in Flaxmere, with a short six-year stint in Auckland somewhere along the line.
I love to sing, laugh, play, travel and eat with my family. We play hard, fight hard, but also love hard. I love seeing the kids excel at things they’re passionate about. I love to play basketball and volleyball and will one day get back to those things. I love to travel when funds allow and would still like to see more of the world if border restriction ever improves here and abroad. A warmer climate, soft sand beach and good food are my travel priorities. I love art and anything that’s creative [design, set design, form design, painting, computer graphics, videography, multi-media, performance….]. I especially get a kick out of creating an awesome audience experience, whatever the genre.
I am an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and strive to live a life that reflects those values and beliefs. I serve in the Wellington/South Island regional church communication team, as the Flaxmere Stake executive secretary and music director, and as ward pianist and primary worker in Flaxmere Second Ward. I acknowledge my many human imperfections and have not always made the best choices, but hope that I’m improving as I get older.
I have had a varied professional background working at Dawn Meat & Richmonds to save for my church mission, as a tourism consultant at Auckland Airport for six years, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga in health, quality assurance, human resource, and projects for seven years. I left Taiwhenua in 2007 to pursue my passion for events and graphic design and set up Trailmedia in the process [T-Traci, R - Ruth, A - Alieta, I - evolved from &, L-Logan]. I have been blessed to work in many community, local, regional, and national events. In 2011, I set up Innov8 Group Ltd with a business partner where we strive to challenge agency funded contracts to provide better whanau-centered and community-based services.
I currently chair the HDC Flaxmere Planning Committee, the HBDHB Pacific Health Leadership Group, working on an initiative to set up the HB Pacifica Community-Intersectoral Hub, and now this incredible new role as a trustee with our marae. Not an easy juggle with such different and uniquely diverse target audiences.
As you can see, my priorities in life are family, church, passion, work, and community. I believe that my family and church are my rock and anchor. I can’t do anything without them. I find balance by integrating my passions into my work. I can only assist in my community if I have the resources, capacity, and capability to be able to do that mahi. In taking on the challenge of becoming a trustee at Korongata, I’ve had to assess how this role fits with those priorities, the time and energy I can devote to this kaupapa, and what skills and experience I can contribute to help progress, improve, and benefit the whānau of Korongata.
Specific Values
Whanau - Tuimaseve, Uelese, Wong, Tipu, Dewes, Teariki - to name immediates - We are steadfast in unity, creative, musical, rich and varied cultural heritage, we act as a family unit, and connected in all sectors of our community, and a neutral perspective.
Passion - I bring a creative approach to marae challenges, whānau based outcomes, creating a positive growing experience for all our whānau.
Church - Gospel values will be vital in helping us move forward together. I bring skills in communication, administration, organisation, project planning, and decent facilitation.
Work - Project management and event experience, design skills, reliable connection with local and regional stakeholders, challenge the status quo, whanau-centered outcomes, community development planning
Community - Strategic thinking, working with a diverse and strong-minded audience, working with local government and agencies, facilitating consensus within groups with conflicting agendas, advocating on behalf of and support community initiatives, developing community plans.